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Visualizzazione post con etichetta ECB. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 16 novembre 2011

To the Parliament of the Italian Republic, to the Political Parties (English version)

To the Parliament of the Italian Republic, to the Political Parties
In this difficult period Italy needs an authoritative government which is able to act with determination in both the European and global context. Although we do not neglect the recent serious responsibilities of the Italian ruling class which has been unable to bring about a process of modernisation of the country necessary to put it back on a growth path, the Italian economic stagnation in the last decade has its main cause in the European macroeconomic context, and particularly in the absence in the Eurozone of fiscal and monetary policies aimed at sustaining economic growth, full employment, trade balances between the Monetary Union members, and with which to provide a greater distribution equality within and among countries.